"The glory of God is a silver thread which must run through all our actions.”
That’s how Puritan pastor Thomas Watson described the importance of the glory of God for the Christian life.
God’s greatest concern is His glory—the Bible is clear about that. He will not give it to anyone else, and failure to glorify Him certainly warrants eternal judgement. But God’s glory is more than a mandate for His creation. He has intertwined it with our identity so we are unable to find meaningful purpose apart from displaying His glory in every part of life. Many Christians today are bombarded with philosophies, programs, and self-help books promising them a meaningful and purposeful life. But instead of helping them achieve their goal, they distract from the true source of meaning and purpose.
How Do We Glorify God provides an accessible, clear, and practical guide to help Christians find meaningful purpose in a world of distractions. Through Puritan thought and Biblical study, faithfulness to Christ and His gospel is inspired, pressing questions about sin and suffering are covered, hope in the promises of God is instilled, and eternal satisfaction is guaranteed.

Thinking Christianity: The Importance of the Mind in the Christian Life
Throughout Church history, a lack of clear thought has been the chief cause of heresy: wherever indifference to doctrine and theology has arisen, neglect and rejection have soon followed. Christianity today faces a crisis in thinking: there is both an indifference toward, and neglect of, serious thought about Christian doctrine and theology. Instead, personal experience has been given primacy. Thinking Christianity attempts to reverse this popular attitude and forestall the rejection of the Christian gospel that will otherwise inevitably follow.
Author Daniel Klassen covers two aspects of thinking in the Christian faith: the necessity for thinking, and the need for proper thinking. Addressing the first aspect, he answers questions such as “Why should Christians think?”, “Is faith reasonable and rational?”, “How do we know God?”, and “How do we know the truth?”. Addressing the second aspect, he explores foundational beliefs for the Christian faith, covering questions such as, “What is salvation?”, “What is sanctification?”, How do we gain assurance?”, and “What does it mean to worship God?”. Throughout the book, he attempts to answer these questions with clarity and truthfulness by expounding Scripture, using historical examples from the Reformation, and exploring philosophical ideas. This clearly reasoned, timely book will help Christians live in assurance and confidence in God—and preserve the gospel for future generations.
Paperback and Hardcover

FREE EBOOK: How to Test Your Gospel: In search of the biblical gospel
The goal of gospel-centred Christians is a faithful biblical gospel. In Scripture, warnings abound for those who do not teach, preach, proclaim, or believe the biblical gospel. The trouble is that Christians face every sort of opposition to the gospel. The devil lies about the gospel, the world tells us to forget the gospel, and the flesh rejects the gospel. Every Christian must, therefore, constantly realign their gospel with Scripture.
How to Test Your Gospel provides four simple tests to help you determine the ways in which your gospel has strayed from Scripture. It tests your gospel's consistency, central message, practicality, strength, and faithfulness to Scripture. The end of these tests is not to leave you with judgement and condemnation regarding your gospel, but rather to guide you to a biblically consistent and faithful gospel.